Thursday, August 20, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
aku...sahabatku serta kenangan.....
ni aku dan nadia.. kami ni dua2 Mantan S/U A HaaK.
pic kenangan ni kami ambil masa majlis hari raya di umah keluarga angkat kami di Permatang Kerai Kecil, Kepala Batas,Pulau Pinang. Pic ni kami baru jer lepas sembahyang zuhur, penat tau, kena b'tugas layan tetamu. tapi best. hehehehe...
ni pic aku, Cheq & Eli. Pic ni diambil ketika kami berada di Tambatan Di raja, Kelantan kerana ada urusan yang melibatkan persatuan. Kami balik beramai2 tau, gune van. yang paling best, masa tue dalam bulan puasa. uhhh, penat 2 penat, tapi xterasa sangat sebab hepi beramai2, ibarat bercuti. Eli & CheQ ni junior lg, tapi seronok dapat kenal diorang ni.
ni pic aku & pQah. Pic ni di ambil masa kami pergi 1 program di Hotel Equatorial,Penang. Seronok gak dapat pegi hotel mewah ni,hehehehe... lagipun kami bukan mampu nk duk sane, so join la program yang bagi kami peluang ni. aku & pQah posing semahu2 nyer. cantik tau decoration mereka..
ni pic aku & shida. pic ni di ambil masa kami ade program makan malan di Grand Blue Wave Hotel Shah Alam, bersama Dato'Pa.
kami kenal ketika sama2 kena handle program Haak masa 1st year. kami berkawan rapat. banyak pengalaman kami bersama pahit, manis, suka & duka. semoga persahabatan kami kekal selamanya.
haaaaa, pic yang last ni..pic aku & mcT,dio ni coursemate aku tapi kami lain2 major je beza. pic aku ng dio ni kami ambil masa di Majlis Hari Raya Haak di Konkos. ni lah salah satu kenangan kami bersama...kami ni pn agak rapat. aku kenal dio pn dari shida pQah, sebab diorang satu matrik dlu. tu yang aku leh kenal dio ni.
semoga persahabatan kami kekal salamanya gak.. ammiinnn..
Monday, June 15, 2009

HAAK dalam kenangan...

Monday, June 8, 2009
Pengurusan Masa
2. Berlengah-lengah - Ini tabiat “popular” bagi remaja. Memulakan kerja sehingga berdozen-dozen namun tidak menghabiskannya. Ada banyak punca mengapa perkara ini berlaku antaranya sikap tidak yakin kepada kebolehan diri, tidak optimis dan sikap negetif kepada kerja tersebut. Sebab lain ialah tidak tahu meletakkan “aulawiyat” iaitu keutamaan dalam kerja mereka. Kenal pasti segera supaya ia tidak melarat “penyakit” berlengah-lengah ini kepada masa depan anda.
3. Tidak perlu sibuk tapi produktif. Bekerja dalam keadaan siduk amat memenatkan dan memuaskan. Anda tidak perlu kehulu kehilir untuk membuat satu kerja sahaja. Tapi bahagikan kerja anda dan hasilnya akan lebih baik. Sebagai contoh anda sebagai pengerusi biro dalam organisasi anda, anda boleh pecah-pecahkan kerja tersebut kepada ajk biro anda. Mudah dan cepat bukan. Kerja yang anda lakukan dalam masa 5 jam sendirian akan bertukar menjadi 1 jam sahaja. Ingat fokus kepada produktiviti bukan kecelaruan dalam kesibukkan.
4. Bunuh “Pembunuh Masa” – Kenal pasti pembunuh masa anda seperti leka bermain game atau flash game, bergayut menelefon kerana ia akan mengalihkan fokus kerja anda. Masa rehat itu perlu tetapi jangan sampai membazir masa. Rehatlah dengan sewajarnya.
5. Realistik dalam bertindak – Ramai daripada remaja mahupun eksekutif muda percaya bahawa dalam melakukan kerja WAJIB mencari kesempurnaan. Terimalah hakikat kita manusia yang punyai kekurangan dan kita tidak tinggal di alam Syurga yang penuh dengan kesempurnaan. Petua yang anda perlu pegang ialah melakukan kerja tidak perlu sempurna tetapi cemerlang. Berusaha mencari kecemerlangan bukan kesempurnaan.
01- Ambil 7 helai daun sirih, kemenyan sebesar ibu jari bersama 3 ulas bawang.Giling kesemua bahan tersebut dan tampalkan di dahi.
Cara ini juga boleh di gunakan untuk orang yang demam dan lakukannya 2 kali sehari. Insyaalah demam atau sakit kepala akan berkurangan.
02- Masalah kencing tidak lawas Copy/Paste Dari:
Atasi masalah kencing tidak lawas dengan menggunakan air basuhan beras yang ketiga. Minum air basuhan tersebut segelas setiap hari dan lihatlah perbezaannya.
03- Bibir Merekah Minum air kelapa muda yang dicampur dengan kuning telur dan sedikit madu lebah. Amalkan meminumnya sekali dalam sehari dan nantikan hasilnya.
04- Segarkan Kulit Muka Sapukan jus epal hijau kemuka dan biarkan selama 5 hingga 10 minit kemudian cuci muka dengan air bersih.
05- Rawati Kulit Melecur Tuangkan susu cair atau susu pekat manis keatas bahagian yang terkena air panas. Pastinya ia tidak akan mengelembung dan berparut.
06- Merawat Sakit Tekak Copy/Paste Dari:
Jika anda menghidap sakit tekak, anda perlu mendapatkan beberapa keping asam keping. Asam keping ini hendaklah dibakar hingga menjadi hangus. Setelah itu ditumbuk dan digaul dengan sedikit air sirih. Setelah itu sapukan pada bahagian tekak anda yang sakit. Insya Allah tekak anda akan sembuh seperti sediakala.
07- Mengurangkan Batuk Ambil satu ataupun dua sudu nasi panas yang baru saja masak. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam cawan dicampurkan sedikit air. Setelah itu, embunkan nasi tersebut selama semalam. Keesokan harinya, minumlah air tersebut. Ulangi petua ini hingga beberapa hari. Insya Allah, batuk anda akan sembuh dengan segera.
08- Asma/Sesak Nafas Ambil 4-5 helai daun buah keras laut. Ramaskanlah daun tersebut dengan air bersih. Kemudian saringlah setengah gelas. Embunkan semalaman sebaik-baiknya dilakukan pada waktu pagi. Apabila bangun tidur, ambil air tersebut dan dicampur dengan sedikit madu. Minumlah berulangkali setiap pagi ramuan ini.
09- Menurunkan panas badan Copy/Paste Dari:
Daun bunga raya amat berguna unutk menurunkan panas badan ketika demam. Ambil beberapa helai daun bunga raya dan ramas di dalam air hingga hancur.Sapukan pada kepala dan seluruh tubuh hingga basah. Biar kering sendiri dan ulang lagi hingga reda panasnya.
10- Manfaat Air Nenas Kencing batu karang menyakitkan, badan berasa tidak arah dan demam. Setiap kali buang air berasa sakit. Mungkin petua ini dapat membantu anda. Kupas sebiji nenas dan cincang.Campur segelas air serta sedikit garam dan dikisar halus.Minum air nenas segelas setiap hari sehingga penyakit anda nampak pulihnya.
11- Menyegarkan Mata Gatal dan Letih Ambil beberapa helai daun sireh muda. Kemudian, cuci bersih. Ramas-ramaskan ia dan masukkan ke dalam air suam. Selepas itu, tapis airnya. Selanjutnya rendamkan mata sambil kerdipkan berulang kali. Lakukan selalu dan hasilnya anda akan merasai perubahannya.
12- Penawar Resdung Petua yang paling mudah dan berkesan ialah dengan mengamalkan menyedut air ke dalam hidung (seperti sebelum kita ber wuduk).Kemudian picit sebelah hidung dan hembuskan sekuat hati. Buatlah berulang-ulang kali sehingga selesai kedua-duanya. Selepas itu basuhlah muka dengan bersih. Lakukan ini setiap kali setelah sampai ke satu-satu destinasi, baik ke pejabat,bersantai, beriadah atau pulang ke rumah malah ke mana saja. Kesannya sungguh menakjubkan.
13- Sembuhkan luka selepas bersalin Copy/Paste Dari:
Bagi wanita yang baru bersalin dan ingin luka cepat sembuh, anda boleh amalkan petua berikut: Mula-mula ambil beberapa helai daun jambu batu dan dua keping asam keping. Kemudian rebus sehingga mendidih. Biarkan seketika sehingga air tadi menjadi suam. Cuci bahagian luka tadi dengan menggunakanair tersebut.Insya Allah luka akan cepat sembuh.
14- Legakan Sakit Kepala Setiap orang mungkin mengalami sakit kepala yang amat sangat akibat tekanan di tempat kerja dan sebagainya.Jadi untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit kepala itu, ambil tiga atau empat keping asam gelugor atau asam keping. Rendamkan dalam air suam semalaman. Minum air tersebut pada keesokkan harinya. Insyaallah sakit kepala anda akan hilang serta merta.
15- Kilatkan rambut dengan biji betik Ambil biji betik yang sudah masak sebanyak dua genggam, Bersihkan kulit biji yang berair itu, dan jemursampai kering. Bila sudah kering, gorengkannya tanpa minyak sampai hangus. Setelah itu bolehlah ditumbuk atau digiling biji betik itu hingga lumat. Pindahkan pada piring dan bancuh dengan air. Sebelum menggunakannya bersihkan rambut anda terlebih dahulu . Keringkan rambut anda dan sapukan bahan tadi tanpa syampu. Anda akan dapat lihat hasilnya. Rambut anda akan kelihatan hitam dan berkilat.
16- Hilangkan Lemak Copy/Paste Dari:
Jika anda mengalami masaalah berat badan anda boleh menggunakan air asam jawa sebagai minuman harian.ini kerana, air asam jawa boleh menjadi alternatif bagi mengurangkan lemak dalam badan anda. Caranya; Ambil sebuku asam jawa, Ramas dengan air sebanyak satu gelas. Masukkan air asamjawa tadi kedalam peti sejuk. Minum air tadi selepas makan tengahari atau selepas makan malam. Amalkan meminumnya setiap hari dan anda akan dapati tubuh anda bertambah segar dan langsing.
17- Merawat Ketumbit Jika ada dikalangan keluarga atau rakan-rakan anda menghadapi masaalah ketumbit di mata, Tak perlulah risau kerana ianya mudah dirawat dengan bawang putih sahaja. Caranya, ambil seulas bawang putih, guris sedikit bahagian hujungnya dengan kuku agar keluar airnya dan sapukan pada kelopak mata yang ber ketumbit tadi 3 kali sehari. Insyaallah ketumbit akan beransur baik dalam masa singkat.
18- Menghilangkan Panau.Panau adalah sejenis penyakit kulit yang tidak menyakitkan. Namun ianya membuat kulit anda kelihatan tidak menarik. Oleh yang demikian jika anda mengalami masaalah panau, cubalah petua di bawah ini:Ambil lengkuas atau bawang putih, gosokkan pada panau itu sehingga kulit anda terasa perit dan kemerah-merahan. Ulangi selama seminggu. Insyaallah panau anda akan beransur hilang dan kulit anda akan kelihatan lebih menarik.]
19- Melangsingkan badan. Copy/Paste Dari:
Melangsingkan badan,cara paling mudah dan murah ialah:1-Dua biji lobak merah dipotong2-Sebiji mentimun segar,3-Sebiji limau nipis,Kemudian ketiga-tiga bahan ini dikisar dan diperah airnya untuk diminum.Amalkan dua kali sehari setiap pagi dan malam. Insyaallah badan yang gedempol akan beransur langsing dan menarik.
20- Awet muda dan menarik.Wajah anda kelihatan tua kurang menarik dan berminyak.Amalkan ketiga-tiga cara di bawah. 1-Banyakkan ketenangan, berzikir dan sentiasa mengingati Allah.2-Minum segelas air suam setiap pagi sebaik bangun tidur.3-Makan sehelai daun pegaga segar setiap hari selama 40 hari.
21- Khasiat bawang putih. Copy/Paste Dari:
Mereka yang menghidap lelah dan semput seringkali menghadapi masaalah bila termakan makanan dingin seperti rambutan, mentimun dan betik. Untuk ke klinik kita akan mengambil masa dan kos yang tinggi, Oleh itu cubalah petua di bawah:Dua ulas bawang putih-ditumbuk,Tiga sudu minyak masak. Campurkan kedua bahan tadi dan sapu pada leher, dada dan belakang. Dalam masa sepuluh minit kita akan lihat perubahannya. Ia juga boleh digunakan ketika batuk.
22- Sakit Tekak Sakit tekak sewaktu bangun pagi?Terus kebilik air dan tepukkan air sejuk di tengkuk anda. pastinya kahak akan "longgar" dan mudah keluar selepas itu.Hilangkan atau elakkan sakit tekak dengan meminum air tomato seminggu 3 kali. Sakit atau perit tekak akan hilang.
23- Merdukan SuaraMerdukan suara dengan air suam yang diperahkan limau nipis. campurkan gula batu dan biarkan semalaman. Keesokkannya, sebelum gosok gigi atau berkumur dan minum air itu.
24- Rawat MuntahRawati muntah kanak-kanak dengan daun limau purut. Tumbuk atau mesinkan dengan campurkan sedikit air. Minum seperti biasa. ia akan beransur sembuh.
25- Hilangkan seduHilangkan sedu dengan menarik nafas sedalam yang boleh, lakukan 3 atau 4 kali. Pastinya sedu anda beransur hilang selepas itu.
26- Hilangkan kutuHilangkan kutu pada rambut dengan beberapa biji bawang putih yang ditumbuk lumat. Campur dengan minyak masak dan lumurkan pada rambut. Balut dengan kain selama sejam sebelum dicuci
27- Segarkan DiriIngin segar diwaktu pagi? Selepas bangun daripada tidur, minum terus air suam. Amalan ini dipercayai awet muda sejak turun temurun.
28- Hilangkan batuk Copy/Paste Dari:
Hilangkan batuk dengan mengambil sedikit gula melaka dan makan. anda akan lihat hasilnya yan memuaskan setelah beberapa ketika.
29- Segarkan MataSegarkan mata dengan beberapa helai daun sirih muda, cuci bersih. Ramas dan masukkan kedalam air suam dan tapis airnya. Rendamkan mata sambil kerdipkan mata berulangkali.Segarkan mata dengan menggunakan uncang teh yang telah digunakan. Tekap ke mata anda. Hasilnya mata anda akan terasa sejuk dan segar.
30- Gusi bengkakAtasi bengkak gusi dengan menghancurkan umbut nenas. Campurkan dengan sedikit garam halus. Tampalkan pada gusi yang ada kesan bengkak. Biarkan sehingga kering.
31- Suara SerakCopy/Paste Dari:
Atasi suara serak dengan sebuku asam jawa, rendam dan ramas didalam air. Kemudian campur dengan segelas air sejuk. Masukkan ke dalam peti sejuk. Minum dua kali sehari.Atasi suara serak dengan dua biji bawang besar, Buang kulit dan mesin hingga hancur, tapiskan dan ambil airnya. Minum sekadar dua kali sehari selama dua hari berturut-turut.Ubati suara serak dengan beberapa biji limau nipis dan mesinkannya dengan dicampur sedikit air lalu dipanaskan, kemudian sedutkan wapnya melalui mulut beberapa kali.
32- Badan LesuSekiranya anda sering diserang angin yang menyebabkan badan lesu, didihkan daun mengkudu dan sedikit halia. saringkan airnya dan minum pagi dan petang.
33- Sembuhkan luka Copy/Paste Dari:
Sembuhkan luka dengan daun lidah buaya (aloe vera) dan sapukan lendirnya pada luka tersebut. dengan caratersebut, luka akan sembuh dengan lebih cepat.
34- Sengatan kala jengkingRedakan kesakitan akibat disengat kala jengking dengan menumbuk lada hingga halus dan dicampur dengan minyak kelapa. Tampalkan pada tempat yang terkena sengat tadi.
35- Hilangkan jerawat batuHilangkan jerawat batu dengan ambil sedikit beras, tumbuk hingga halus dan campurkan dengan sedikit air. Gunakan pada waktu hendak tidur, tiga kali seminggu.
36- Serikan wajah Copy/Paste Dari:
Serikan wajah dengan rendamkan teh semalaman. Sapukan seluruh muka keesokkan harinya sebelum mandi. Wajah anda akan berasnsur-ansur licin serta kelihatan segar.
37- Menyegarkan kulit mukaSegarkan kulit muka dengan perahan jus epal hijau yang dikatakan menyegarkan kulit muka. Sapu kemuka dan biarkan selama 5 hingga 10 minit kemudian cuci muka dengan air bersih.
38- Rawat kulit melecur Rawati kulit yang melecur dengan susu cair atau susu pekat manis. Tuang keatas bahagian yang terkena air panas. Pastinya ia tidak akan mengelembung dan berparut.
39- Hilangkan bau mulutHilangkan bau mulut dengan menumbuk lumat sepuluh kuntum bunga cengkih dan tiga ulas bawang putih. Gosokkan pada gigi dan berkumur hingga bersih. Lakukan 3 hari sekali.
40- Masalah kencing manisUbati kencing manis dengan hempedu ayam. Simpannya di dalam peti sejuk. Esoknya ketika hempedu itu telah beku, telannya bersama air sejuk. Lakukan selama seminggu.
41- Minyak hilangkan ketuat Copy/Paste Dari:
Jika minyak menggoreng anda sudah terlalu hitam, jangan di buang. Gunakan ia untuk menghilangkan ketuat. Caranya sapu minyak tersebut pada ketuat dan ulangi langkah tersebut 3-4 kali sehari sehingga ketuat itu hilang.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Dehydration in Adults Overview
Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in. With dehydration, more water is moving out of our cells and then out of our bodies than the amount of water we take in through drinking.
We lose water every day in the form of water vapor in the breath we exhale and as water in our sweat, urine, and stool. Along with the water, small amounts of salts are also lost.
When we lose too much water, our bodies may become out of balance or dehydrated. Severe dehydration can lead to death.
Causes of Dehydration in Adults
Many conditions may cause rapid and continued fluid losses and lead to dehydration:
- Fever, heat exposure, and too much exercise
- Vomiting, diarrhea, and increased urination due to infection
- Diseases such as diabetes
- The inability to seek appropriate water and food (an infant or disabled person, for example)
- An impaired ability to drink (someone in a coma or on a respirator or a sick infant who cannot suck on a bottle are common examples)
- No access to safe drinking water
- Significant injuries to skin, such as burns or mouth sores, or severe skin diseases or infections (water is lost through the damaged skin)
Symptoms of Dehydration in Adults
The signs and symptoms of dehydration range from minor to severe.
- Increased thirst
- Dry mouth and swollen tongue
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Palpitations (feeling that the heart is jumping or pounding)
- Confusion
- Sluggishness, even fainting
- Inability to sweat
- Decreased urine output: Urine color may indicate dehydration. If urine is concentrated and deeply yellow or amber, you may be dehydrated.
When to Seek Medical Care
Call your doctor if the dehydrated person experiences any of the following:
- Increased or constant vomiting for more than a day
- Fever over 101°F
- Diarrhea for more than 2 days
- Weight loss
- Decreased urine production
- Confusion
- Weakness
Take the person to the hospital's emergency department if these situations occur:
- Fever higher than 103°F
- Confusion
- Lethargy
- Headache
- Seizures
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest or abdominal pains
- Fainting
- No urine in the last 12 hours
Exams and Tests
The doctor may perform a variety of simple tests at the examination or send blood or urine samples to the laboratory. Through tests and examination, the doctor will try to identify the underlying cause or causes that led to the dehydration.
- Vital signs
- Fever, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and faster breathing are signs of potential dehydration and other illnesses.
- Taking the pulse and blood pressure while the person is lying down and then after standing up for 1 minute can help determine the degree of dehydration. Normally, when you have been lying down and then stand up, there is a small drop in blood pressure for a few seconds. The heart rate speeds up, and blood pressure goes back to normal. However, when there is not enough fluid in the blood because of dehydration and the heart rate speeds up, not enough blood is getting to the brain. The brain senses this condition. The heart beats faster, and if you are dehydrated, you feel dizzy and faint after standing up.
- Fever, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and faster breathing are signs of potential dehydration and other illnesses.
- Urinalysis
- The color and clarity of urine, the urine specific gravity (the mass of urine is compared with that of equal amounts of distilled water), and the presence of ketones (carbon compounds-a sign the body is dehydrated) in the urine may all help to indicate the degree of dehydration.
- Increased glucose in the urine may lead to a diagnosis of diabetes or indicate loss of diabetic control and a cause for the dehydration.
- Excessive protein may signal kidney problems.
- Signs of infections or other diseases, such as liver disease, may be found.
- The color and clarity of urine, the urine specific gravity (the mass of urine is compared with that of equal amounts of distilled water), and the presence of ketones (carbon compounds-a sign the body is dehydrated) in the urine may all help to indicate the degree of dehydration.
- Blood chemistries
- The amount of salts (sodium and potassium) and sugar as well as indicators of kidney function (BUN and creatinine) may be important to evaluate the degree of dehydration and possible causes.
- A complete blood count (CBC) may be ordered if the doctor thinks an underlying infection is causing the dehydration. Other blood tests, such as liver function tests, may be indicated to find causes of the symptoms.
- The amount of salts (sodium and potassium) and sugar as well as indicators of kidney function (BUN and creatinine) may be important to evaluate the degree of dehydration and possible causes.
Dehydration in Adults Treatment - Self-Care at Home
Try to get people who are dehydrated (even those who have been vomiting) to take in fluids in the following ways:
- Sip small amounts of water.
- Drink carbohydrate/electrolyte-containing drinks. Good choices are sports drinks such as Gatorade or prepared replacement solutions (Pedialyte is one example).
- Suck on popsicles made from juices and sports drinks.
- Suck on ice chips.
- Sip through a straw (works well for someone who has had jaw surgery or mouth sores).
- Try to cool the person, if there has been heat exposure or if the person has an elevated temperature, in the following ways:
- Remove any excess clothing and loosen other clothing.
- Air-conditioned areas are best for helping return body temperatures to normal and break the heat exposure cycle.
- If air conditioning is not available, increase cooling by evaporation by placing the person near fans or in the shade, if outside. Place a wet towel around the person.
- If available, use a spray bottle or misters to spray luke-warm water on exposed skin surfaces to help with cooling by evaporation.
- Avoid exposing skin to excessive cold, such as ice packs or ice water. This can cause the blood vessels in the skin to constrict and will decrease rather than increase heat loss. Exposure to excessive cold can also cause shivering, which will increase body temperature-the opposite effect you're trying to achieve.
Medical Treatment
Treatment in the Emergency Department centers first on restoring blood volume and then body fluids, while determining the cause of the dehydration.
If your core body temperature is greater than 104 °F, doctors will cool the entire body. They may promote cooling by evaporation with mists and fans or cooling blankets and baths.
- Fluid replacement
- If there is no nausea and vomiting, fluid replacement is begun. You are asked to drink electrolyte/carbohydrate-containing fluids along with water.
- If there are signs of significant dehydration (elevated resting heart rate, low blood pressure), fluids are generally given through an IV.
- If there is no nausea and vomiting, fluid replacement is begun. You are asked to drink electrolyte/carbohydrate-containing fluids along with water.
- Disposition
- If your condition improves in the Emergency Department, you may be sent home, preferably in the care of friends or family.
- If you remain dehydrated, confused, feverish, have persistently abnormal vital signs, or signs of infection, you may need to stay in the hospital for additional treatment.
- If your condition improves in the Emergency Department, you may be sent home, preferably in the care of friends or family.
If fever is a cause of dehydration, the use of acetaminophen (for example, Tylenol) or ibuprofen (for example, Advil) may be used. This can be given by mouth if you are not vomiting or as a rectal suppository if you cannot take anything by mouth.
Next Steps
Call or return to your doctor or the hospital as instructed.
- Take prescribed medications as directed.
- Continue to keep yourself well hydrated with plenty of water or sports drinks.
- Watch for signs of dehydration in yourself and others.
The foremost treatment for dehydration is prevention. Anticipate the need for increased fluid intake.
- Plan ahead and take extra water to all outdoor events and work where increased sweating, activity, and heat stress will increase fluid losses. Encourage athletes and outdoor workers to replace fluids at a rate that equals the loss.
- Avoid exercise and exposure during high heat index days. Listen to weather forecasts for high heat stress days, and plan events that must occur outside during times when temperatures are cooler.
- Ensure that older people and infants and children have adequate drinking water or fluids available and assist them as necessary. Make sure that any incapacitated or impaired person is encouraged to drink and provided with adequate fluids.
- Avoid alcohol consumption, especially when it is very hot, because alcohol increases water loss and impairs your ability to sense early signs associated with dehydration.
- Wear light-colored and loose-fitting clothing if you must be outdoors when it is hot outside. Carry a personal fan or mister to cool yourself.
- Break up your exposure to hot temperatures. Find air-conditioned or shady areas and allow yourself to cool between exposures. Taking someone into a cooled area for even a couple of hours each day will help prevent the cumulative effects of high heat exposure.
When dehydration is treated and the underlying cause identified, you will recover normally.
Dehydration caused by heat exposure, too much exercise, or decreased water intake is generally easy to manage, and outcome is excellent.
What U need to know about Constipation
What is constipation?
Constipation means different things to different people. You may have constipation if you have three or fewer bowel movements in a week or if stool is hard, dry, painful, or difficult to pass. Some people with constipation lack energy and feel full or bloated.
Some people think they have constipation if they don’t have a bowel movement every day. However, bowel habits are different for everyone. The foods you eat, how much you exercise, and other factors can affect your bowel habits.
At one time or another, almost everyone gets constipated. In most cases, it lasts for only a short time and is not serious. When you understand what causes constipation, you can take steps to prevent it.
What causes constipation?
To understand what causes constipation, it helps to know how the large intestine works. The large intestine removes most of the water from stool and changes it to a solid waste. The large intestine then moves the stool through the rectum and anus as a bowel movement.
Constipation occurs when stool passes through the large intestine too slowly. When stool stays in the large intestine too long, the intestine removes too much water, and the stool becomes hard and dry.
Some lifestyle habits that may cause constipation include
- changing your normal diet, exercise, or travel habits
- ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
- feeling a lot of stress
- eating a low-fiber diet
- not drinking enough liquids
- taking calcium or iron supplements
- taking medicines such as painkillers with codeine; diuretics, also known as water pills; medicine for depression; and some antacids
Some medical conditions that may cause constipation include
- pregnancy or having given birth
- problems with the muscles and nerves in the intestine, rectum, or anus
- irritable bowel syndrome, a condition in which the nerves that control the muscles in the intestine don’t function correctly; the intestine becomes sensitive to food, stool, gas, and stress
- diabetes, a condition in which a person has high blood sugar, also called hyperglycemia, because the body cannot use blood glucose, or blood sugar, for energy
- hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormone to meet the body’s needs and many of the body’s functions slow down
What tests are done to find the causes of constipation?
To find out why you have constipation, your doctor will perform a complete physical examination. The doctor may also order one or more tests if a serious problem is suspected as the cause of constipation.
- Sigmoidoscopy. The doctor puts a thin, flexible tube called a sigmoidoscope into the rectum. This scope can show the last third of your large intestine.
- Colonoscopy. The doctor looks at the entire large intestine with a long, flexible tube with a camera that shows images on a TV screen. The tube is like a sigmoidoscope but longer. You receive medicine to help you sleep during a colonoscopy.
- Colorectal transit study. For this test, you swallow small capsules that can be seen on an x ray as they move through the large intestine and anus.
- Anorectal function test. The doctor inserts a small balloon into the anus to see if you are able to push it out.
- Defecography test. The doctor inserts a soft paste into the rectum. The doctor asks you to push out the paste while an x-ray machine takes pictures of the rectum and anus.
What can I do about constipation?
You can take several steps to prevent and relieve constipation.
1. Eat more fiber.
Fiber helps form soft, bulky stools and is found in many vegetables, fruits, and grains. Be sure to add fiber to your diet a little at a time so your body gets used to it. Limit foods that have little or no fiber such as pizza, ice cream, cheese, meat, snacks like chips, and processed foods such as instant mashed potatoes or frozen dinners.
High-fiber Foods
Fruits | Vegetables | Breads, Cereals, and Beans |
Your doctor may suggest you take fiber pills or powder to help soften and bulk up the stool. You can buy fiber products in a pharmacy or grocery store without a prescription. Some fiber products are flavored while others are not. Be sure and take the fiber with plenty of water as directed.
Some people have gas and bloating at first when taking extra fiber. Let your doctor know if you are having problems that do not go away after a few days.
2. Drink plenty of water and other liquids such as fruit and vegetable juices and clear soups.
Liquids have little effect on stool form; however, drinking enough fluids is important because dehydration can cause constipation. Try not to drink liquids that contain caffeine or alcohol if you feel thirsty or dehydrated.
3. Get enough exercise.
Regular exercise helps your digestive system stay active and healthy. Exercising 20 to 30 minutes every day may help.
4. Visit the restroom when you feel the urge to have a bowel movement. Allow yourself enough time to relax.
Sometimes people feel so hurried that they don’t pay attention to their body’s needs. Make sure you visit the restroom when you feel the urge to have a bowel movement. If you usually have a bowel movement at a certain time of day, visit the restroom around that time. Reading a book or magazine in the restroom can help you relax. If you cannot have a bowel movement within 10 minutes, get up and return the next time you get the urge.
5. Use laxatives only if a doctor says you should.
Laxatives are medicines that help you pass stool. Most people who are mildly constipated do not need laxatives. However, if you are doing all the right things and you are still constipated, your doctor may recommend a laxative for a limited time. Your doctor will tell you what type is best for you. Laxatives come in many forms including liquid, chewing gum, and pills.
6. Check with your doctor about any medicines you take.
Some medicines can cause constipation. Be sure to ask your doctor if any medicines you are taking could cause constipation.
7. Follow any special treatments your doctor recommends.
If you have problems with the muscles and nerves that control bowel movements, your doctor may suggest biofeedback. Biofeedback is a painless process that uses sensors in the rectal area to help you feel the stool and move it out of the rectum. Doing biofeedback with a trained therapist has been shown to help some people with constipation.
Top Tips for Clear Skin
Clear Skin: Step by Step
Blemishes or pimples often appear on your face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders -- where skin has the greatest amount of oil glands. Few of us are immune to breakouts, but you can prevent or get rid of most acne. For a clear complexion, view the slides ahead to see some surprising dos and don'ts.
Don't Dry Out Your Skin
Avoid rubbing alcohol or alcohol-based astringents and toners, even if you have oily skin. These products can strip your skin of its natural, protective moisture. This can irritate skin and make acne worse. These products may also make it more difficult to tolerate prescription acne medications.
Do Use Oil-Free Moisturizer
Healthy skin is moist. Choose an oil-free moisturizer that says "noncomedogenic" on the label. This means it won’t clog your pores or cause whiteheads or blackheads. You may hesitate to apply moisturizer to acne-prone skin, but a good moisturizer can actually help calm your skin and keep acne at bay.
Don't Avoid Favorite Foods
It's a myth that oily foods or chocolate cause pimples. Acne is caused by overactive oil glands in the skin. If certain foods seem to cause you to break out, try to avoid them. But you don't need to shun pizza or chocolate for clear skin.
Do Drink Plenty of Water
Drink water throughout the day to keep your skin well hydrated. Also, eat a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A and vitamin E, two vitamins known to benefit your skin. Green, leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin A is found in colorful fruits and vegetables such as carrots, cantaloupe, peaches, and peppers.
Don't Use Heavy Cosmetics
Avoid oil-based cosmetics. How can you tell? Follow this simple guideline: Creamy foundation or blush generally can clog pores. Bare mineral cosmetics, which are light and powdery, are less likely to do so.
Do Use an Oil-Free Foundation
Do use oil-free foundation if you wear makeup. Splash your face with cold water before applying your foundation. Cold water helps close your pores. No matter how tired you are, wash your makeup off before bed.
Don't Sunbathe or Tan
It's a myth that tanning clears up your skin. It's a fact that UV rays put you at risk for skin cancer, premature aging, and wrinkles. Don't lie in the sun or use a tanning booth. Also, some commonly prescribed acne medications, including topical retinoids, can make you more sensitive to damage from the UV rays.
Do Use Oil-Free Sunscreen
Wear an oil-free sunscreen or moisturizer with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher that provides broad-spectrum protection from both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. Look for products labeled noncomedogenic that won't clog your pores. Reapply every two hours.
Don't Use Greasy Hair Products
Products such as pomades or gels can clog your pores when your hair brushes against your face. Keep your hair clean using an oil-free, acnegenic or noncomedogenic shampoo. If you have oily hair, shampoo daily. Shield your face when applying any sprays and gels on your hair.
Do Keep Hair Off Your Face
Pull long hair back when you sleep so it doesn't aggravate your skin. Try to keep your hair away from your face during the day as well. Remember, hair contains oils that can cause breakouts -- even if you don't use hair products .
Don't Touch Your Face
Touching or rubbing your face worsens acne. Also, don't lean your face on your hands. And try to keep your cell phone away from your face. Our hands and phones may carry oils and germs that can irritate blemishes. Tight-fitting hats can also cause or worsen acne, especially if you sweat.
Do Apply Cream With Applicators
Use cotton balls, Q-tips, or applicators when applying creams or makeup to your skin. If you use your hands, apply these products only with your fingertips. Our hands carry oils and germs that can worsen acne and blemishes.
Don't Overwash Your Face
Dirty skin does not lead to acne or blemishes. Frequent and vigorous washing can irritate your skin and make acne worse. So can scrubs and soaps with harsh chemicals. Instead, wash acne-prone areas twice daily with a mild soap and warm water.
Do Choose Oil-Free Soap
Oil-free soaps won't clog your pores or cause blackheads, acne, and whiteheads. Choose products that are labeled "oil free," "nonacnegenic," or "noncomedogenic." Apply the soap and wash with your fingertips. Washcloths, mesh sponges, or other products can irritate the skin and cause breakouts.
Don't Pop Your Pimples
Squeezing pimples or blemishes just creates more problems. Resist the temptation. It will only delay healing and increase the risk of scarring. Squeezing pimples may also push infected material into the skin, where it can cause additional inflammation and scarringDo Use Acne Medicine as Directed
Acne medication doesn't work overnight. Most treatments take up to eight weeks of daily use before you see an improvement. It may take as long as six months for your skin to totally clear up. Sometimes your doctor will recommend using the acne medicine even when your skin clears. Be sure to follow your doctor's directions. Overuse of medicine such as Retin-A can irritate skin, while underuse is not effective.
Look Into All Acne Treatments
Don't just live with acne, blackheads, and blemishes. If the first cream you try doesn't work, see your doctor or dermatologist to discuss other treatments. There are many types of medicines to help clear your skin. Some are available only from a doctor.
7 Words & 7 Rules for Eating
Pollan says everything he's learned about food and health can be summed up in seven words: "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants."
Probably the first two words are most important. "Eat food" means to eat real food -- vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and, yes, fish and meat -- and to avoid what Pollan calls "edible food-like substances."
Here's how:
- Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. "When you pick up that box of portable yogurt tubes, or eat something with 15 ingredients you can't pronounce, ask yourself, "What are those things doing there?" Pollan says.
- Don’t eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce.
- Stay out of the middle of the supermarket; shop on the perimeter of the store. Real food tends to be on the outer edge of the store near the loading docks, where it can be replaced with fresh foods when it goes bad.
- Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot. "There are exceptions -- honey -- but as a rule, things like Twinkies that never go bad aren't food," Pollan says.
- It is not just what you eat but how you eat. "Always leave the table a little hungry," Pollan says. "Many cultures have rules that you stop eating before you are full. In Japan, they say eat until you are four-fifths full. Islamic culture has a similar rule, and in German culture they say, 'Tie off the sack before it's full.'"
- Families traditionally ate together, around a table and not a TV, at regular meal times. It's a good tradition. Enjoy meals with the people you love. "Remember when eating between meals felt wrong?" Pollan asks.
- Don't buy food where you buy your gasoline. In the U.S., 20% of food is eaten in the car.
12 Tips for Better Sleep in Bad Times
Here are a dozen tips to help you get a better night's sleep:
- Caffeine is a stimulant and should be stopped four to six hours before bedtime. Caffeine is in coffee, soda, iced tea, chocolate, and various over-the-counter medications. Remember, caffeine builds up throughout the day, so two cups of coffee at dinner and some chocolate ice cream can be close to 500 milligrams of caffeine, a large dose. It is also a little-known fact that caffeine can stay in the system for up to 12 hours. So try not to have any past lunchtime and have decaffeinated coffee after dinner. One note of caution: Be careful if you are a big caffeine person and you cut yourself off too quickly, because you will get headaches, which of course will keep you awake.
- Nicotine is also a stimulant and should be avoided near bedtime and if you wake up during the night. Thus, having a smoke before bed, although it feels relaxing, is actually putting a stimulant into your bloodstream. Recent research has shown that if you must smoke, take long, slow drags and pause between puffs, as this method produces the least stimulating effects, as opposed to short, quick puffs. (We are not condoning smoking, but if you must, at least follow these suggestions for more restful sleep). Also, cut back before bed -- have fewer cigarettes during the four hours before bed, and don't have any 30-45 minutes before bed.
- Alcohol is a depressant; although it may make it easier to fall asleep, it causes you to wake up during the night. As alcohol is digested your body goes into withdrawal from the alcohol, causing nighttime awakenings and often nightmares. Excessive alcohol use can lead to dependence, and the withdrawal from alcohol dependence can also affect your sleep.
- A light snack may be sleep inducing, but a heavy meal too close to bedtime interferes with sleep. Stay away from protein and stick to carbohydrates. Research has shown that small snacks rich in carbohydrates may help improve sleep. In addition, milk or dairy products have been shown to be sleep inducing. Milk has L-tryptophan, which has been shown to help people go to sleep. So skim milk and a low-fat snack may be a good nighttime treat.
- You may not want to exercise vigorously just before bed. It may be best to exercise late in the afternoon. Still, some studies have shown that exercise right before bed is not as bad as was once thought, unless you are the type of person who becomes more alert with exercise.
- Minimize noise, light, and excessive cold or hot temperature during sleep by using ear plugs, window blinds, or an electric blanket or air conditioner appropriately. If your room is too hot (above 75 degrees) or too cold (below 54 degrees), it can affect your sleep.
- Try not to drink anything after 8 p.m. Often people wake up to go to the bathroom (once or twice a night as you get older is normal).
Some general insomnia guidelines:
- Restrict the amount of time you spend in bed to the actual amount of time you sleep. You are not sleeping anyway, so do something worthwhile.
- Go to bed only when you are sleepy. This avoids that time you often spend trying to sleep but failing to do so. Get out of bed if you can't fall asleep or go back to sleep within 10-15 minutes; return to bed only when you feel sleepy. Repeat this step as often as necessary during the night. You can read, listen to soft music, or watch a movie. Don't fall asleep on the couch.
- Use the bedroom for sleep and sex only; do not watch TV, listen to the radio, eat, or read in bed.
- Get up at the same time each morning. Keep your biological clock going in the right direction, otherwise you will be fighting against it. Do not nap during the day. The time it takes you to fall asleep is decreased by the longer you have been awake.
- Allow yourself one hour to unwind before bed. Brush your teeth one hour before getting into bed and wash your face slowly with warm water. Set the mood for relaxation before bed. This is not a time to be rushing about or planning the following days events. Do this earlier in the evening.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Understand about Nail Care
Brittle and split nails:
Brittle, split or cracked nails are usually due to excessive water exposure or overdrying of the nail plate. It also can be from irritant contacts with chemicals or from the frequent application and removal of nail polish. If nails are hard and brittle, this is suggestive of overdrying of the nail plate. This is seen with dry hands and over-washing of the hands and feet.
Soft, brittle nails suggest too much water exposure as seen in a dishwasher or someone who walks around in wet shoes. In a healthy individual, diet is usually not a contributing cause for nail changes. Some people do believe that biotin and calcium are helpful for nail growth and strength, however, there are no good medical studies to support this claim.
Nail separation:
The nail plate forms from the white area at the base of the nail. It is adherent to the underlying skin until the nail grows out to the end of the finger or toe. Occasionally, there is separation of the nail from the underlying skin. This gives a deformed white or brown appearance to the nail. The most common causes of separation are trauma, irritant solvents, allergic reaction, fungal infection or psoriasis. Growths underneath the nail such as warts or possibly skin cancer can also cause separation. Once the nail has separated, it will not re-attach to the underlying skin. New nail grows gradually from the base replacing the separated nail.
Nail grooming:
Nail colors: Nail polish colors usually do not cause problems so pick your favorite color such as pink, green, blue or yellow. Nail staining, however, may result from deep red, orange or yellow polish, especially if applied without a clear base coat. Discoloration usually disappears in 14 to 21 days. Cigarette smoking (nicotine staining) also causes a yellow discoloration of the nail.
Application of nail paints with an airbrush may cause superficial tattooing on the skin around the nail.
Drying nails:
Most common methods are nail dryers and ultraviolet light. If drying with an ultraviolet light, make sure you are not taking light sensitive medications.
Nail elongaters:
Watch for trauma when the nail is peeled off and when the artificial nails do not fit well. Consider a silk or linen cloth wrap combined with nail sculptures to give added protection and strength to the elongated portion.
- Like your skin, nails can get overly dry or “waterlogged.” Use common sense as far as water exposure. Moisturizers are beneficial as well as nail conditioners.
- Avoid excessive use of nail polish remover as this may dry the nails and surrounding tissue.
- Do not remove your cuticles - push them back.
- When using acrylic nails, watch for trauma and damage to the base of the nail plate. Acrylic nails may leave the nail plate soft and weak.
- If you have brittle nails, consider a diet rich in protein. Some researchers support a biotin supplement. Allow nine months to see results.
- Make sure your nail instruments are sanitary. Consider buying your own.
- After a manicure, ask your salon to apply sunscreen to prevent sun damage and nail polish from fading.
- Allow nails to rest one to three months per year from cosmetic procedures such as overgrooming, press-on nails, acrylic nail sculptures, and adornments.
- If nails are thick and difficult to cut, soak them in warm salt water (1-tsp salt to 1 pint of water) for five to ten minutes and apply a 10% to 40% urea cream. You may then trim as usual.
- Nails should be cut straight across and rounded slightly at the tip for maximum strength. Use sharp nail scissors or clippers to do the job. Filing the nails into points will weaken them.
- Use a “fine” textured file to keep nails shaped and free of snags.
- Avoid biting fingernails.
- Avoid digging out ingrown toenails, especially if they are already infected and sore. Toenails should be cut square to avoid cutting deep into the corners.
- Report any nail irregularities to your doctor. Nail changes, discoloration, swelling and pain could signal a serious problem.
Nail Care Tips
Over the last hundred years, the nails have become more important for cosmetic reasons and less important for protection.
Manicuring is the care of the hands and nails. Basic manicuring should be done once a week. Every 4-6 weeks it is a good idea to seek the services of a professional manicure. A professional manicurist best knows how to keep your nails looking healthy and beautiful. Obviously much of what you will find in these pages applies to anyone who wants to maintain health, beautiful and long nails.
No need for grimy mitts. Just give your hands a scrub with mild soap and warm water before you go out, using a nailbrush to get the gunge out from under your nails. Oil on hands and under nails can be got rid of with a bit of swarfega, or other cleansing agents.
If your nails go crumbly and whitish or yellowish and separate slightly from the nail bed then it could be a nail fungus infection. Speak to your doctor, who can prescribe an anti-fungal paint to get rid of it. If you get hangnails or loose skin down the side of the nail, trim it off with sharp scissors to reduce the risk of the skin tearing or infections getting into the skin.
Basic Nail Care
- Wash hands with mild soap, using a nailbrush.
- Soak the hands in warm water for a few minutes to soften the cuticles (the bits of skin at the bottom of the nails).
- Very gently push back the cuticles if they are long and ragged.
- Trim the nails to the same length, cutting off any snaggy or spiky bits.
- File the ends of the nails to smooth them off.
- If your hands are dry, apply some hand cream (it doesn't have to be the girly stuff that stinks of flowers, lads).
Don't Bite!
Nail bitting isn't exactly seductive, try an anti-biting nail paint. Tastes absolutely disgusting, but will stop you putting your fingers in your mouth so often.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Improve Your Mental Health
10 Tips for Mental Health
Build Confidence - Identify your abilities and weaknesses together, accept them, build on them and do the best with what you have.
Accept Compliments - Many of us have difficulty accepting kindness from others but we all need to remember the positive strokes when times gets tough.
Make Time for Family and Friends - These relationships need to be nurtured; if taken for granted they will not be there to share life's joys and sorrows.
Give and Accept Support - Friends and family relationships thrive when they are "put to the test".
Create a Meaningful Budget - Financial problems cause stress. Over-spending on our "wants" instead of our "needs" is often the culprit.
Volunteer - Being involved in community gives a sense of purpose and satisfaction that paid work cannot.
Manage Stress - We all have stressors in our lives but learning how to deal with them when they threaten to overwhelm us will maintain our mental health.
Find Strength in Numbers - Sharing a problem with others who have had similar experiences may help you find a solution and will make you feel less isolated.
Identify and Deal with Moods - We all need to find safe and constructive ways to express our feelings of anger, sadness, joy and fear.
Learn To Be At Peace with Yourself - Get to know who you are, what makes you really happy, and learn to balance what you can and cannot change about yourself.
All about Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamins And Minerals
Unlike protein, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins do not yield usable energy when broken down. They assist the enzymes that release energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but they do not provide energy themselves. (thus, beware of claims for "energy vitamins" or for diets that replace foods with vitamin supplements)
Vitamins and minerals are widely available from the natural foods we eat. So, before you reach for the vitamin jar, try eating your vitamins from natural foods.
Vitamins: What the vitamin does & Significant food sources:
B1 (thiamin): Supports energy metabolism and nerve function. Found in: spinach, green peas, tomato juice, watermelon, sunflower seeds, lean ham, lean pork chops, soy milk.
B2 (riboflavin): Supports energy metabolism, normal vision and skin health. Found in: spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, eggs, milk, liver, oysters, clams.
B3 (niacin): Supports energy metabolism, skin health, nervous system and digestive system. Found in: spinach, potatoes, tomato juice, lean ground beef, chicken breast, tuna (canned in water), liver, shrimp.
Biotin: Energy metabolism, fat synthesis, amino acid metabolism, glycogen synthesis. Widespread in foods.
Pantothenic Acid: Supports energy metabolism. Widespread in foods.
B6 (pyridoxine): Amino acid and fatty acid metabolism, red blood cell production. Found in: bananas, watermelon, tomato juice, broccoli, spinach, acorn squash, potatoes, white rice, chicken breast.
Folate: Supports DNA synthesis and new cell formation. Found in: tomato juice, green beans, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, okra, black-eyed peas, lentils, navy, pinto and garbanzo beans.
B12: Used in new cell synthesis, helps break down fatty acids and amino acids, supports nerve cell maintenance. Found in: meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, milk, eggs.
C (ascorbic acid): Collagen synthesis, amino acid metabolism, helps iron absorption, immunity, antioxidant. Found in: spinach, broccoli, red bell peppers, snow peas, tomato juice, kiwi, mango, orange, grapefruit juice, strawberries.
A (retinol): Supports vision, skin, bone and tooth growth, immunity and reproduction. Found in: mango, broccoli, butternut squash, carrots, tomato juice, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, beef liver.
D: Promotes bone mineralization self-synthesis via sunlight. Found in: fortified milk, egg yolk, liver, fatty fish.
E: Antioxidant, regulation of oxidation reactions, supports cell membrane stabilization. Found in: polyunsaturated plant oils (soybean, corn and canola oils), wheat germ, sunflower seeds, tofu, avocado, sweet potatoes, shrimp, cod.
K: Synthesis of blood-clotting proteins, regulates blood calcium. Found in: Brussels sprouts, leafy green vegetables, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, liver.
Minerals: What the mineral does & Significant food sources:
Sodium: Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance, supports muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmissions. Found in: salt, soy sauce, bread, milk, meats.
Chloride: Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance, aids in digestion. Found in: salt, soy sauce, milk, eggs, meats.
Potassium: Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance, cell integrity, muscle contractions and nerve impulse transmission. Found in: potatoes, acorn squash, artichoke, spinach, broccoli, carrots, green beans, tomato juice, avocado, grapefruit juice, watermelon, banana, strawberries, cod, milk.
Calcium: Formation of bones and teeth, supports blood clotting. Found in: milk, yogurt, cheddar cheese, Swiss cheese, tofu, sardines, green beans, spinach, broccoli.
Phosphorus: Formation of cells, bones and teeth, maintains acid-base balance. Found in: all animal foods (meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk).
Magnesium: Supports bone mineralization, protein building, muscular contraction, nerve impulse transmission, immunity. Found in: spinach, broccoli, artichokes, green beans, tomato juice, navy beans, pinto beans, black-eyed peas, sunflower seeds, tofu, cashews, halibut.
Iron: Part of the protein hemoglobin (carries oxygen throughout body's cells). Found in: artichoke, parsley, spinach, broccoli, green beans, tomato juice, tofu, clams, shrimp, beef liver.
Zinc: A part of many enzymes, involved in production of genetic material and proteins, transports vitamin A, taste perception, wound healing, sperm production and the normal development of the fetus. Found in: spinach, broccoli, green peas, green beans, tomato juice,lentils, oysters, shrimp, crab, turkey (dark meat), lean ham, lean ground beef, lean sirloin steak, plain yogurt, Swiss cheese, tofu, ricotta cheese.
Selenium: Antioxidant. Works with vitamin E to protect body from oxidation. Found in: seafood, meats and grains.
Iodine: Component of thyroid hormones that help regulate growth, development and metabolic rate. Found in: salt, seafood, bread, milk, cheese.
Copper: Necessary for the absorption and utilization of iron, supports formation of hemoglobin and several enzymes. Found in: meats, water.
Manganese: Facilitates many cell processes. Widespread in foods.
Fluoride: Involved in the formation of bones and teeth, helps to make teeth resistant to decay. Found in: fluoridated drinking water, tea, seafood.
Chromium: Associated with insulin and is required for the release of energy from glucose. Found in: vegetable oils, liver, brewer's yeast, whole grains, cheese, nuts.
Molybdenum: Facilitates many cell processes. Found in: legumes, organ meats.
Healthy Eating Habits
With skimpy swimsuits and trips to the beach in mind, toning various body parts and dropping a few pounds in time for summer has become a priority for many. Coupled with regular cardiovascular exercise, healthy eating habits can severely impact ones weight as well as ones overall body image.
When it comes to shaping up and slimming down, several factors impact a persons body and general healthiness. Different diets and eating routines work for different people. The following dos should put a positive spin on helping those who wish to revamp their eating habits in the hopes of transforming their bodies for the better.
DO eat well-balanced meals throughout the day, kick starting your metabolism with breakfast as often as possible.
DO eat several helpings of salad, fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Recommended amount is five servings of fruit and vegetables each day.
DO drink lots of water. Strive for at least eight glasses a day, but drink as much as you are able. Your body will eventually crave the water, which often makes you less hungry for snacks throughout the day while also flushing toxins from your body.
DO avoid eating simply because you are bored. Popping candy, cookies and other sweets into your mouth merely to pass the time is not conducive to modifying and maintaining a healthy body image.
DO sit down; enjoy your food and CHEW! Avoid scarfing down your lunch in the car as you drive. Rushing meals and trying to get too many other things done while eating may prevent the food from digesting properly. Take the time to enjoy a leisurely meal without constantly trying to do something else.
DO reduce your intake of sugars and fats if you find yourself eating junk food all day.
DO avoid grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Almost inevitably, those shopping with hunger pangs pushing them along may be apt to throw a few more goodies in the cart than if shopping after a meal.
DO eat when you are hungry. Try to substitute healthier snacks, like vegetable sticks, for salty or sweet snacks like chips and cookies.
DO eat foods that are high in fiber. This will help to keep the snacking urges from breaking through as often.
DO be realistic about your body image goals. Do not expect overnight results. Work to achieve your goals but do treat yourself every once in a while!
DO stop eating when you are full. Many people try to force themselves to clean their plates completely in order to be polite or to get their moneys worth.
DO exercise at least twice a week, whether by jogging, walking or doing a cardio workout. Combining healthier eating habits with cardiovascular exercise is a surefire way to lead a healthier life.
To improve your body image and the way you feel about yourself, monitor your snacking and do your best to follow a disciplined eating routine. Eat balanced meals, exercise and maintain a positive outlook and you�ll be well on your way to a healthier body, mind and soul.
How to Prevent Yeast Infections
How to prevent yeast infections?
Three out of four women will experience at least one yeast infection during her life, many experience recurrent infections. Practicing some of these prevention techniques may help reduce your risk.
1. Always wear white cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast. Never wear panty hose alone -- always wear cotton panties underneath.
2. Never use petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Always use water-based lubricants when vaginal dryness is an issue.
3. Always wipe from front to back after a bowel movement to prevent the yeast which normally inhabits the intestinal tract from being transferred to the vaginal area.
4. Eating one cup of yogurt a day helps some women prevent the yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment; however, eating yogurt will not cure a yeast infection.
5. Don't use perfumed bath products or powders in the vaginal area, these can cause irritations which can lead to infection.
6. Don't use douches! Douches wash away the natural protective mucous of the vagina leaving the vagina more susceptible to yeast and other vaginal infections.
Why is My Period Late?
Although, pregnancy is the most common cause of absence of period or menstruation (amenorrhea), many times, the women will also assure me that they are definitely not pregnant. So, what else can cause an absence of menstruation?
1. Are you breastfeeding your baby? Breastfeeding mothers will often experience amenorrhea; however ovulation may still occur and pregnancy is possible even without menstruation.
2. Are you experiencing an unusual amount of stress in your life? Emotional stress is another possible cause of absence of menstruation. Eliminating the stress usually will cause menstruation to resume.
3. What kind of medications are you currently taking? Certain medications such as contraceptives (oral, implanted, and injected), oral corticosteriods, antidepressants, antipsychotics, thyroid, and some chemotherapy drugs may cause amenorrhea for some women.
4. You could have a hormonal imbalance. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common form of hormonal imbalance which may cause amenorrhea, as well as other symptoms that can include the other extreme with excessive bleeding (menorrhagia).
5. Do you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet? Women who are malnourished or extremely underweight often experience amenorrhea. This occurs often in women with eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
6. How much do you workout? Do you dance or engage in sports? Vigorous exercise or athletic training can cause amenorrhea.
7. Have you had your thyroid checked? Millions of Americans suffer from undiagnosed thyroid disease -- another possibility that should be explored by your physician.
8. Do you have a chronic illness? If you have a chronic illness, or have been sick for an extended period, your menstrual cycle may be temporarily delayed. Once your body is well your period will usually return.
9. Although rare, a pituitary tumor (a usually benign tumor) can cause an overproduction of prolactin which can interfere with the regulation of your menstrual cycle.
If you have missed 3 or more menstrual cycles, and you haven't already sought professional medical advice, it's time to seek medical care to determine the underlying cause.
Only a qualified health care provider can determine the cause of amenorrhea.
Caring For Teeth
Make your own Toothpaste
Some of the toothpaste out there just don't do enough whiten teeth, Others are actually dangerous and may wear off enamel and cause fillings to fall out. So, straight from the modeling world comes these secret recipes that take just moments to put together.
Strawberry Toothpaste
Strawberries have gentle cleansing and bleaching properties and help remove coffee and tea stains from your teeth, Just crush strawberry and rub the pulp directly on teeth.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon baking soda. use this tooth-whitening mixture once a week. This formula is a strong stain remover and tartar reducer. If your teeh are very sensitive then this treatment is not recommended for you.
Foods That Clean Teeth
There are some foods that stain teeth (coffee, tea, redwine, etc.) and there are other foods that work on the teeth like detergents. Foods that require a lot of chewing like apples, celery, and carrots whiten teeth naturally.
Food Like Spinach, lettuce and broccoli prevent staing by creating a film on the teeth that acts as a barrier.
Brush Your Tongue
When you are brushing your teeth, you havent finished the job until you brushed your tongue. Your tongue harbors germs and bacteria that can cause bad breath. Just brush your tongue with regular toothpaste, and forget those overpriced tongue scraper.
Make-It-Yourself Mouthwashes:
Boil a strong cup of peppermint or spearmint tea. Drink in slow, deliberate manner while rolling the tea around in your mouth or let cool and use as a regular rinse.
Clove Rinse
Heat one teaspoon of cloves with 1/4 cup of water. Cool and Rinse.